Plastic surgery after weight loss can involve several stages and the question patients often ask – is how many procedures can be done at the same time? Several procedures can be done at the same time. For safety sake most plastic surgeons try to plan for what can be accomplished in a time period of six to eight hours. This seems to be a good time frame within which patients can recover well from both the anesthesia and the surgery. For patients who want to push and try to do more – I will explain – lets face it – after six to eight hours I will also be tired and not doing my best work!
The second question is : how long do I have to wait in between procedures? The goal is that a patient gets back to their good health before they proceed on to the next surgery. For most patients this is a minimum of three months. For some patients it might even be longer. of course life has a way of getting in the way of our plans so that even if initially one might want to do everything as quickly as possible something might come up that would delay the process. There is no advantage as far as the final result to doing everything quickly and no disadvantage to spreading things out over time . What is important is what works for you and your life.